XANA's Lyoko

The Theme Song
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The Code:Lyoko theme

In Code:Lyoko, the only part being played is the bridge and chorus. There is much dispute about waht the theme is, but these are the true lyrics. I will try to get a downloadable version of the song up soon. The theme is called 'A world Without Danger'.

There is a world
That is virtual and strange
But evil corrupts it
And Xana is his name
Our only hope
Is to re-program this world

Here we are
Going far
To save all that we love
If we give what we've got
We will make it through
Here we are
Like the sun
Shining bright on your world
Make evil go away!

Code Lyoko!
We will stand alone
Code Lyoko!
Be there when you call
Code Lyoko!
We will stand real tall
Code Lyoko!
Stronger afterall

In this pixel world
Everything is bits and bytes
We must have the strength
To put up a valiant fight
But time is unknown
It may last throughout our lives

[repeat bridge]

[repeat chrorus]

We took the oath
To provide our maximum
Give all to the fight
And there'll be victory in the end

[repeat bridge]

[repeat bridge]

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Code:lyoko is (c) Moonscoop and France 3. I do not own nor distrubute Code:Lyoko.

Everything on this fansite, however, is (c)2005-06 Lord Ryu. Do not take without permission and credit.

Forums are (c) Akkikaisui.

Breloom Woods in (c)2005-06 jetx.

Serebii is (c)2000-06 Serebii.

Everything else mentioned on the site is (c) their rightful owners.

All rights reserved.